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Introduction to iBT TOEFL
Introduction to iBT TOEFL Reading
Chapter1 Paraphrase
Sample Topic: Snails-1
Short Passage-1 Topic: Snails-2
Short Passage-2 Topic: Snails-3
Short Passage-3 Topic: Snails-4
Short Passage-4 Topic: Snails-5
Long Passage-1 Topic: The Civil War
Long Passage-2 Topic: The Statue of Liberty
Long Passage-3 Topic: Tornadoes
Actual Test
Chapter2 Square Sentence Insertion
Sample Topic: Immune System
Short Passage-1 Topic: Mutation
Short Passage-2 Topic: Antibiotics
Short Passage-3 Topic: Antonymy
Short Passage-4 Topic: Misdemeanor
Long Passage-1 Topic: Computer Generated Imaging
Long Passage-2 Topic: Fred Smith
Long Passage-3 Topic: The Declaration of Independence
Actual Test
Chapter3 Inference
Sample Topic: Sigmund Freud
Short Passage-1 Topic: Hudson River School Artists
Short Passage-2 Topic: The Olympic Games……78
Short Passage-3 Topic: The Period of Reconstruction
Short Passage-4 Topic: Tides
Long Passage-1 Topic: The Supreme Court
Long Passage-2 Topic: Hurricanes
Long Passage-3 Topic: Blood
Actual Test
Chapter 4 Details
Sample Topic: Information Gathering
Chapter 5 Word & Phrases
Chapter 6 Schematic Table
Chapter 7 Main Idea
Chapter 8 Prose Summary
Actual Test-1
Actual Test-2
Actual Test-3
Answer Key
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